Sunday, March 28, 2010

Potential Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is a surgery that is performed to permanently reduce the size of a woman's breast. It is also called reduction mammoplasty. This procedure excises the fat, skin, and glandular tissue of the breast with the intention to reduce breast size.

Why would a woman want breast reduction? Overly large breasts can have many adverse effects on a woman, including but not limited to: chronic neck and back pain, emotional trauma, and physical limitations from participating in certain activities such as sports. However, the surgery does not come without some form of risk. This article will discuss a few of them.

Fat necrosis is more common in larger breast reduction procedures, but the risk is always present. It is described as the death of fat cells and can cause a lump or visible bump within the skin.

Permanent numbness is also a real risk when a woman undergoes breast reduction surgery.

Although it is a rare problem, it can occur in a small area of a single breast due to nerves being severed during the procedure.

Loss of blood supply to a nipple can cause its cells to die and the nipple will have to be removed. Although a rare problem, it is something that must be considered before a woman undergoes breast reduction surgery. Because of the risk of losing a nipple, most doctors highly recommend you undergo breast reduction only after you are done having children.

If a patient tries to return to work too early or perhaps engages in activity that wasn't recommended, such as exercise or heavy lifting, there is a chance of wound separation. If the incisions do pull apart, surgery is not required to repair them, although healing time is greatly increased.

Another rare possibility is a negative reaction to the anesthesia.

You can be tested prior to surgery to find out if you will have a negative reaction to the anesthesia. Speak with your doctor to learn more.

Some degree of permanent scarring is unavoidable. To minimize the risk of scarring, it is best to follow the surgeon's recommendations post surgery. Optimal healing conditions will minimize scarring. This will include plenty of water consumption and abstaining from smoking for at least several months after surgery.

The intention of this article is not to provide medical advice. Should you have questions regarding your health or questions about a potential plastic surgery procedure, you need to contact a board certified, licensed surgeon and schedule a consultation.