Monday, August 9, 2010

Breast Reduction

With all the emphasis in western society on large breasts, it seems almost counter intuitive that anyone would want to have their breasts made smaller. But in fact, breasts that are too large can cause health problems and sometimes psychological problems as well.

Breasts that are too large are heavy, and finding a supportive bra that fits can be nearly impossible. And when someone with very large breasts finds a bra that fits reasonably well, the straps will dig painfully into the shoulders. Posture can suffer, and the person with large breasts can have chronic back problems from it.

For this reason, many times breast reduction is considered a health issue rather than one of vanity. But this means that health insurance will usually cover all or part of the costs associated with breast reduction surgery.

The surgery of breast reduction is much more complicated than breast augmentation surgery.

A skilled surgeon will take aesthetics as well as health into account. Once excess tissue and skin is surgically removed, then the surgeon must craft smaller breasts for the patient, re-positioning the nipple to look as natural as possible after the surgery.

While scars for breast augmentation are relatively easy to hide - some incision scars are under the arm, in the fold of skin under the breasts, or even in the belly button - it is hard to hide the scars from breast reduction surgery. Often it's a matter of whether the individual who has surgery has the type of skin that hides scars well.

In reality, for most patients who have breast reduction surgery, the relief from pain (and the rude stares they're often subject to) far outweighs the presence of scars.

Once they have recovered from surgery, they are able to find clothing to fit much more easily. Often confidence improves, posture improves, and overall happiness improves after the surgery.