Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Los Angeles Breast Reduction-Why And How

If you are considering a Los Angeles breast reduction procedure in order to achieve that perfect breast size, the decision needs to be a well-contemplated one. You need to weigh your options carefully before deciding to go under the knife. Breast reduction is a surgical process performed to remove excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue from the oversized breasts. Yes, if the size of your breast embarrasses you and causes immense social depression, a Los Angeles breast reduction procedure could be one of the ways out. In addition, you should also look out for certain added signs and problems before deciding to spend on one.

When Should You Consider A Breast Reduction?

Breast Reduction Surgery Should Be Performed When:

* You have oversized sagging breasts that make you look overtly busty and highly inappropriate.

* There are rashes under your breasts.

* You need to resort to poor posture.

* You are suffering from poor self-image and low self-esteem.

* You daily activities are restricted as a result of heavy breasts.

* You have deep grooves in your shoulder as a result of excessive pressure on your bra.

* You cannot find a size for your bra which is large enough.

* When you are suffering from chronic shoulder, back, and neck pain.

If all or some of these conditions are wreaking havoc in your life, breast reduction surgery is definitely an option.

Los Angeles Breast Reduction-The Process

A Los Angeles breast reduction procedure should follow some pre-established guidelines.

For example, when you meet your doctor for the first time, the following actions would be typically executed to kick-start the process:

* He would perform a detailed evaluation of your overall medical history.

* He would have a detailed discussion with you regarding your expectations from the process.

* The surgeon will explain the entire process to you inclusive of the benefits and risks.

* Once the explanations have been completed, he would take measurements of your breasts and record the size in photographs.

* He would also explain the anesthesia which would take place during surgery.

* Insurance and other cost-related aspects would also be discussed.

Besides, you will also be asked to go through several laboratory tests, complete a baseline mammogram, as well as quit smoking for a given period of time.

You would also need to refrain from taking NSAIDS like aspirin and also refrain from consuming herbal supplements.

Once these prerequisites are taken care of, the actual surgery would be scheduled. The process incorporated would vary as per the requirement, from person to person. Post-surgery, both breasts would be bandaged or covered with gauge. Pipes may also be fitted which would pass through your underarm. This will allow the excess fluid and the blood to flow out. Subsequently, your breasts would remain sore and painful for some time. The scars would be visible initially, but will fade over time. Medications will be prescribed by a Los Angeles breast reduction surgeon, primarily for nausea and pain.